Center Weekly Video Conference


Gao, J , "Data-driven simulations of global spatiotemporal urban land patterns under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)" , September 2020
Yang, J , 楊嘉川 , "Urban climate and smart city development" , September 2020
Shi, J , 石婕 , "基于涡度相关法的CO2信号拆分" , August 2020
Zhao, R , 赵若男 , "小型水体蒸发的观测与模拟" , August 2020
Chu, H , 楚淏然 , "Work progress with ERA5" , August 2020
Chen, M , 陈明建 , "基于无人机的景观反照率估算" , August 2020
Xie, Y and Pu, Y , 谢燕红, 蒲旖旎 , "Sensible heat and latent heat flux calculation based on flux-covariance method" , August 2020
Qin, Z , 秦志昊 , "基于通量方差法计算潜热通量" , August 2020
Jia, L , 贾磊 , "基于水分平衡方法和箱式法的水体温室气体观测" , July 2020
Chu, H , 楚淏然 , "Partitioning wet-bulb temperature anomalies on global scale" , July 2020